FSI Language Courses in HTML

This is an effort to convert the some of the excelent FSI Language Courses into an HTML version. The material was retrieved from fsi-language-courses.com (and fsi-language-courses.org), where the language courses developed by the Foreign Service Institute, developed by the United States government, are hosted. The courses are in the public domain, but the original formatting makes it difficult to use the material. Some remastered versions of the material are available for purchase, but the prices are still very high.

As it is with fsi-language-courses.com, this site is not affiliated in any way with any government entity. I am converting this course mainly for my own use, but making the result available to all interested. Any help is welcome. I do not take responsibility on any flaws or incorrections in this material.

For more information on these and other courses, check:

FSI - Finnish Graded Reader

FSI - Basic Hungarian - Volume 1

Contact me: cat at catdevrandom . com